Nightmares and Dreams cassette (1986)
Bad Medicine cassette (1987)
In A Strange World cassette (1987)
Radio Play cassette EP (1987)
Heat Lightning cassette (1990)
Bad Medicine expanded edition (2015) Digital-only reissue
Songs 1986-1987 (song compilation) (2014) Digital-only reissue
Echo System - Live at East Avenue 1987 (2016) Digital-only reissue
The Architect of Secrets (instrumental compilation) (2019) Digital-only reissue
Daniel Crommie and Jamie Haggerty founded Echo System in 1986 as a collaborative entity, initially making ambient/electronic creations and later recording some original electro-pop with vocals. The roots of Echo System go back to 1980 when Daniel and Jamie founded progressive/traditional folk group "Continuum", later that year recording their duo album "Passion & Allegory". In 1986 Daniel was already making music within the experimental electro-pop realm as a founding member of Group Du Jour, while Jamie was helming Cour Des Miracles and performing Breton and French tunes. Reconvening in 1986 they quickly recorded "Nightmares and Dreams" direct to digital with no overdubs - an anomaly at the time. In the autumn of 1986 they recorded the "Bad Medicine" mini-album on a 4-track PortaStudio and mixed it to digital during the Christmas holiday. That same winter of 1986/1987 would find Jamie and Daniel busy composing and recording pieces for their follow-up "In A Strange World", resulting in a cluster of electro-pop gems that deviated from their ambient beginnings. A few live performances in 1987 resulting in several pieces they would later use on the 1990 album "Heat Lightning", which would be their last album together for many years. The next few years will see the digital reissue of much of their back catalogue. You can download Echo System music here.